• Recognition Awards

    Nominate your company for a regional award! See details HERE.

    Each year, Commuter Connections (part of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments) recognizes companies around the Washington region for their work in offering employee programs that encourage commuting by transit, biking, walking, carpooling and even telework. Employers like the Bethesda-based Donohoe (pictured below), who won in 2018 receive regional recognition at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

    You can see details about Donohoe's recognition HERE.

    Another Bethesda employer, ASHP (pictured below), was recognized in 2017 by winning the Commuter Connections "Marketing" award. See more about ASHP's recognition HERE.

    You can see 2024 winners HERE.

    Commuter Connections seeks nominations each year for their Annual Employer Recognition Awards for companies who are leaders in the following three categories: 

    1. Incentives - Providing benefits that make using alternative transportation modes easier, and more attractive to employees, than driving alone, including the following:

    2. Marketing - Developing creative methods to promote alternative commuting options to employees or promoting transportation challenges and contest to employees.

    3. Teleworking - Initiating or enhancing a successful telework program for employees.

    The nomination period typically runs from early December until the last day of January each year. It's a great way for an employer to get regional recognition for their outstanding transportation program!

    Please consider nominating your company! The nomination site is open for 2025! See HERE.

    For questions, please contact Kristen Blackmon at BTS - KBlackmon@bethesda.org or by calling 301-656-0868 x 119. Kristen will help you draft your company’s nomination using information in your Transportation Demand Management Plan.