With the desire to save money and the need to conserve energy and manage traffic congestion, more and more companies are turning to Teleworking and Flexworking. Teleworking allows employees to work at home or at a local telework center while Flexworking allows employees to select their work hours by coming in and leaving earlier or later or working less days per week with longer work hours. For example, an employee can just as easily work from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. as they can from the traditional 9:00 to 5:00 schedule.
Employers may receive a tax credit on their annual County personal property tax equaling up to 50% of the cost of a new home computer or laptop purchased to establish a new off-site employee workstation. Click here for more information.
In addition to doing their part to conserve energy, manage traffic congestion, and air pollution, companies:
- Save money - less overhead, tax credit
- Increase productivity - 10 to 40% !
- Improve motivation - employees have a greater confidence and self worth
- Skills retention - employers can retain good employees
- Organization Flexibility - best skills and experience can be created, regardless of geography & time zone
- Flexible Staffing - better able to manage projects & overtime
- Resilience- Online or teleconference meetings will go on with little worry of a missing keynote speaker
- Enhanced Customer Service- Customer service can be extended beyond the normal work day/week.
For more information, contact Kristen Blackmon at kblackmon@bethesda.org or at 301-656-0868 x 119.