• Pedestrian Safety Initiatives

    Tips for Pedestrian Safety by The Street Smart campaign

    Download a Safety Tips brochure HERE.
    Tips for Drivers

    • Slow down and obey the speed limit.

    • Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks.

    • Be careful when passing buses or stopped vehicles.

    • When turning, yield to people walking and biking.

    • Look for bicyclists before opening your door.

    • Allow at least 3 feet when passing bikes.

    • Avoid using your cell phone and never text while driving.

    • Be especially careful if you drive an SUV or pickup truck—crashes involving high profile vehicles more often result in the death or serious injury of people walking and biking.


    Tips for Pedestrians

    • Cross the street at the corner and use marked crosswalks when they’re available.

    • Use the pushbuttons.

    • Wait for the walk signal to cross the street.

    • Watch for turning vehicles.

    • Before crossing, look left, right, and left again.

    • Be visible. Wear something light or reflective after dark.

    • Watch out for blind spots around trucks and buses.

    • Avoid using your cell phone while you’re crossing the street.

    • On an off-street trail, obey all posted signage and approach intersections with caution.


    Tips for Bicyclists

    • Obey signs and signals.

    • Never ride against traffic.

    • Ride in a straight line at least 3 feet from parked cars.

    • Use hand signals to tell drivers what you intend to do.

    • Wear a helmet.

    • Use lights at night and when visibility is poor.

    • On an off-street trail, obey all posted signs and approach intersections with caution.


    Street Smart has a listing of regional laws related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety on their website HERE.

    Questions About Pedestrian Safety

    Q. Does a green light mean that it is safe to cross?

    A. NO.  While you may be allowed to walk if you have a green light or white pedestrian walk signal, you must still look both ways. Turning vehicles may not see you!

    Q. Is it always safe to cross in a crosswalk?

    A. NO. It is never okay to assume that you are safe in a crosswalk. You must always check the signal and look both ways to ensure the coast is clear. Drivers have been known to run red lights.

    Q. Does wearing white or brightly colored clothing make you visible to drivers at night?

    A. NO. Wearing white or bright blue does not guarantee safety and drivers may still find it difficult to see you or their line of sight could be blocked. Be sure to wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight.

    Q. Do pedestrians always have the right-of-way?

    A. NO. Contrary to popular belief, pedestrians do not always have the right-of-way. You must obey traffic crossing signals, don't jay-walk and don't dart out into traffic.