From the Montgomery County Department of Transportation: The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has received a grant from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to study how the County can improve wayfinding, accessibility, and safety for pedestrians with a vision disability. The grant will fund the creation of a toolkit and design guidance to facilitate implementation of better sidewalk and crossing designs for those who are blind or low-vision. The grant also funds the initial design of a pilot project in downtown Silver Spring.
While the grant is focused on accessibility and navigation for those with a vision disability, MCDOT will seek to ensure universal design that accommodates all users, including those with mobility or cognitive impairments.
The first public meeting for the project will be held on January 11, 2021 at 6:30PM in a virtual format. If you are interested in the project or would like to be involved in the development of the toolkit and pilot design, please email Matt Johnson at MCDOT to register for the meeting.
Click here for more information about this project.